

A 10-yo AA female presents to the ED complaining of frequent nonbloody urination (up to 16x a day) for the last 5 days. She also relates nocturia and enuresis which began this week. She denies any dysuria. She notes that she was treated for a urinary tract infection approximately 2 months prior at Doctor's care, but was unsure of the results of her UA. She denies past urinary tract infection (except as mentioned previously). She denies sexual activity. She has had no recent diarrhea. She denies polyphagia or polydipsia, and denies weight loss. She has no visual symptoms, abdominal pain, and denies fever, nausea or vomiting.

PMHx: UTI 2 months prior, otherwise negative.

SocHx: Lives at home with parents, she is in the 4th grade. UTD. No tobacco exposure at home.

Meds: none, and denies OTC meds or herbals or supplements.

Allergies: none

FamHx: Diabetes

ROS: no shortness of breath or cough; no N/V/D; no dizziness; no fever. Rest of review of systems other systems were negative.

Vital Signs: BP 131/97, HR 86, RR 20, Temp 99.5
Gen: Awake and alert, non-toxic, no distress.
Neck: supple, no JVD, no bruits
Lungs: clear bilaterally
Cardiac: regular rate and rhythm. No murmur, rub or gallop.
Abdomen: soft and firm, no palpable discrete masses.
Ext: without cyanosis, clubbing or edema.
GU: nl female genetalia, tanner 1, no leisions noted about the mons or introitus.

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Ultrasound Teaching Cases